Hovězí Guláš – Beef goulash can be served with pasta, rice, Czech bread, Rohlíky, Bread Dumplings, or Potato dumplings.
- 3lbs beef rump roast
- 3 onions
- 12tbsp Oil
- 1½tbsp minced garlic
- 3tsp salt
- 3tsp paprika
- 2tsp Marjoram
- 1cube beef bouillon
Servings: people
- Dice onion and sauté with oil in a pressure cooker without the lid on, till golden brown.
- Cut meat into small cubes and add to the onion. Cover the pot with a lid but don’t lock it yet.
- The meat will release water, uncover the lid, and add salt, garlic, bouillon, paprika, and marjoram. Cover with a lid and cook till all the liquid is gone.
- Add 1 cup of water and again cook till the water is gone again and the meet starts to stick to the bottom of the pot.
- Add four more cups of water tightly close the lid and bring to boil, turn down the temperature to medium low, and cook for 20 minutes.
- Check if the meat is tender.Place the pot in the sink and pour cold water over the top to unlock the lid.
- Thicken the sauce with one cup of water and ¼ cup of flour (mix well together. Pour this mixture into the sauce and cook for five more minutes.
- Chop half an onion and stir it in the sauce.
- Guláš can be served with pasta, rice, or dumplings.
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