Breads & Rolls
Mětinky - Sweet Dinner RollsVdolky (pečené)- Sweet rolls (skillet baked)
Český Chléb - Czech bread
Rohlíky - Czech Rolls
Vánočka - Christmas Sweet Bread
Vdolky (pečené)- Sweet rolls (skillet baked)Cookies & sweets
Tmavé Čokoládové Kuličky - Dark Chocolate BallsVdolky (pečené)- Sweet rolls (skillet baked)
Turecký Med - Big Hunk Candy
Linecké Cukroví - Jelly filled cookies
Išelské Dortíčky - Chocolate-walnut delights
Vanilkové Rohlíčky - Vanilla crescents
Perníčky - Spiced cookies
Jablečné Taštičky - Apple pursesVdolky (pečené)- Sweet rolls (skillet baked)
Jemné Ovocné Knedlíky -Light Fruit Dumplings
Svatební Koláčky - Wedding miniature cheesecakes
Buchty - Filled sweet rolls
Jablečný Štrůdl - Apple strudel
Chodské Koláče
Mřížkový Koláč – Cheesecake pastry
Ovocný koláč - Fruit Pastry
Vdolky (smažené ) - Sweet rolls (fried)
Palačinky s jahodovo-tvarohou náplní- Crapes with strawberry-cheesecake filing
Žloutkové Věnečky - Vanilla wreaths
Dumpling French Toast
Ovocné Knedlíky - Fruit Dumplings
Martinské Rohlíčky - Walnut filled crescents
Tvarohová Náplň -Cheesecake FillingHrušková Povidla - Pear topping
Švestková Povidla - Plum sauce
Maková Náplň - Poppy seed filling
Main Course
Rizeto - Chicken RiceHovězí Plátky na Houbách - Beef with Portabella Mushroom Sauce
Hovězí Guláš - Beef goulash
Ptáčky - Beef Rolls
Lečo - Eggs with vegetables
Řízek- Breaded fried meat
Vepřo-Knedlo-Zelo / Pork Roast with Dumpling and Sauerkraut
Creamy Mushroom Sauce with Dumplings and Roast Beef .
Svíčková- Roast with Creamy, vegetable sauce
Roštěnky-Beef medallions
Pork Chops with Bacon sauce -Minutky se slaninou
Plněné Bramborové Knedlíky - Filled potato dumplings Filled potato dumplings
Bramboráky - Potato pancakes
Sekaná-Meat Loaf
recipes with flaky dough
Listové těsto - Buttery,Flaky DoughJablečné Taštičky - Apple purses
Jablko-Mrkvový Salát - Apple and carrot saladRajský Sálát - Tomato Salad
Okurkový Salát -Cucumber salad
Bramborový Salát - Potato salad
Side Dish
Tvaroh - Hard Sour CheeseVdolky (pečené)- Sweet rolls (skillet baked)
Dušené hlávkové zelí - Sweet and sour cooked cabbage
Rajský Sálát - Tomato Salad
Krokety-Fried potato balls
Bramborový Salát - Potato salad
Bramborový Knedlík - Potato Dumpling
Mětinky - Sweet Dinner Rolls
Dušené Kyselé Zelí - ( Cooked Sauerkraut )
Houskový Knedlík - Bread Dumpling
Cooked Red Cabbage - Dušené červené zelí
Bramboračka - Potato SoupKuřecí Polévka s Nudlemi - Chicken Noodle Soup
Hovězí Polévka s Játrovými Knedlíčky - Beef Soup with Dumplings
Gulášová polévka -Goulash soup
Dušená Mrkev - Carrot stew

Home Made Noodles
Looking for a recipe with tomatoes and eggs. Cut and cook down tomatoes, then add eggs? I lost the recipe.
Hello Rebecca, You are probably looking for “Lečo – Eggs with vegetables”
Making dinner for our Archbishop and a small number of guests this Thursday. Since it is St. Wenceslaus’ feast day, I wanted to do a few Czech dishes. So happy to have found your wonderful blog!
Thanks so much for sharing these great recipes!
Very excited to find your recipes. My great aunt was from Czech and used to make us fabulous dishes. She passed many years ago and always said she cooked by feel not recipes. I can’t wait to try the recipe for Bukty. My favorite thing she cooked was a ground almond cookie.
Thank you for sharing your recipes!
This is a wonderful collection of traditional Czech recipes! Thank you so much for compiling and sharing these on your website.
Do you have a complete printable PDF or MS Word version of these recipes? I would like to print and bind these as a book for my parents.
Hi Lukas,
Thank you. Each recipe should give you the option to print out the page -pictures included.What works the best is if you Print it on card stock, insert in protective sheets( a page from each side) and keep in 1 inch binder. Not only it will protect the pages from messy cooks:) but it opens easily. Plus you can always take just one page out at a time.
My husband asked me to make him Thoshky and I cannot find a recipe for it. Does one even exist?
Hello Patti,
I would love to help you, but I am not sure by how you spelled it, what it could be. If you describe the dish to me it will be easier to identify it.Let me know.
im looking for liver dumplings czeck ] the ones mom made had garlic and other spices with beef liver
seems like no one can find it ivce asked everyone in my family some one has to have it _PLEASE HELP ME also the recipe for czeck stuffing my mom would put some in the turkey and some n a pan [my favorite]
Hi Kathie,
I am not sure if you saw the recipe its under soups” Hovezi polevka s jatrovymi knedlicky-Beef soup with dumplings.Step 4-6 tells you the recipe .Jatrove knedlicky means Liver dumpligs in Czech. Hope that helps;).
I spent my teen years in czech with my family and now as an adult I miss czech and fondly remember the movies I watched and the food, ah the food! You have amazing recipes and I thank you so much for the time you’ve put into them! This helps me have a little bit of czech in New Zealand. Please keep posting!