Hovězí Guláš – Beef goulash

Hovězí Guláš – Beef goulash can be served with pasta, rice, Czech bread, Rohlíky, Bread Dumplings, or Potato dumplings.
- 3lbs beef rump roast
- 3 onions
- 12tbsp Oil
- 1½tbsp minced garlic
- 3tsp salt
- 3tsp paprika
- 2tsp Marjoram
- 1cube beef bouillon
Servings: people
- Dice onion and sauté with oil in a pressure cooker without the lid on, till golden brown.
- Cut meat into small cubes and add to the onion. Cover the pot with a lid but don’t lock it yet.
- The meat will release water, uncover the lid, and add salt, garlic, bouillon, paprika, and marjoram. Cover with a lid and cook till all the liquid is gone.
- Add 1 cup of water and again cook till the water is gone again and the meet starts to stick to the bottom of the pot.
- Add four more cups of water tightly close the lid and bring to boil, turn down the temperature to medium low, and cook for 20 minutes.
- Check if the meat is tender.Place the pot in the sink and pour cold water over the top to unlock the lid.
- Thicken the sauce with one cup of water and ¼ cup of flour (mix well together. Pour this mixture into the sauce and cook for five more minutes.
- Chop half an onion and stir it in the sauce.
- Guláš can be served with pasta, rice, or dumplings.
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Now I need the recipe for the knedliky.
Hi Brian
All the recipes including Knedlíky are on the page “Recipes”click and explore :). I also added links (Highlighted red) of recipes of dishes that would go great as a side to Hovězí Guláš-Beef goulash.
Hey, I’m not sure if anyone is still managing this page, but if so – how would this recipe be converted to an electric pressure cooker?
Hi, Nathan
I tried this recipe in electric pressure cooker also. I still prefer regular pressure cooker over electric,but hopefully you can find these instructions helpful.The beginning of this process is very important, because it will effect the color and flavor of this dish.
First remove the lid,turn on high, add oil.To hot oil add onions and cook till golden brown. Add meat,stir.Brown all the pieces, add seasoning.Cook for few minutes, until the natural juices (which the meat will release) start to evaporate and meat will stick to the bottom of the pot. (On the bottom of the pan) You should start seeing a nice light brown coating. Watch it,so it doesn’t burn.Add like 1/2 cup of water and scrape all the brown residue in with the meat. Add remaining water.Cover with lid and set for 35-40 minutes. Open the lid and add flour/water mixture to thicken the sauce.Cook without the lid for few more minutes. Add pepper to finish the taste.Good luck .
I’m so happy I found your site. My son spent a summer in Olomouc and loved everything about it! We met him in Prague and now understand his love for the country as well as the food. I want to make this dish but do not have a pressure cooker. Would it be best to cook it in the oven or the crockpot? Also, what specific type of paprika is used?
No Mary , you can use any pot with lid.One time I made Gulas for 100 people and used lining from roasting ovens with lid over two burners.Any pot will do. just make sure you stir more often and possibly add more water,because the time to simmer beef to nice tender texture will take longer in regular pot,maybe 30 minutes longer.
Is it basically the same process with a normal pot, except longer?
Yes,you can use any pot with lid, just make sure you stir often, and add water if its getting low.
I do it old school , like my grandfather in a dutch oven on the stove top. Slow simmer all day.
Great idea Teri.
followed recipe. good result. thanks Marketa.