Tmavé Čokoládové Kuličky – Dark Chocolate Balls

No-bake cookies.
- 4cups Chocolate Animal Crackers
- 2cups vanilla Wafers
- 1cup butter
- 3tsp vanilla
- 1cup pecan nutsfinely chopped
- 2tbsp Raspberry jam
- 2tbsp of honey
- 6tbsp of Maple syrup
- 6tbsp sweet condensed milk
- 1cup white sugar
- 1/2cup powder sugar
- 1tsp of cocoa
- Orange zest from one orange
Servings: dz
- In a food processor chop Animal crackers, wafers, and nuts, and place them in a bigger mixing bowl.
- Add all the other ingredients and by hand mix all together.
- From the dough form small balls the size of a quarter and roll them individually in any Finely chopped chocolate. If the chocolate is not very sweet add a tablespoon of sugar.
- Store in airtight container in a cold area. No-bake cookies.
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